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Pregnancy Powerfoods

Updated on 15/05/2020 in Pregnancy & Baby & Well-Being

Healthy eating during pregnancy is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your baby to assist with your baby’s growth and development. The foods that you eat and the supplements you take are your baby’s source of nutrition.

Here are a few pregnancy power foods that you can include in your pregnancy diet.


Pregnant women need 10 extra grams of protein a day during their pregnancy which means increasing your recommended daily dosage up to approximately 60 grams. Some high in protein foods include dried beans, lentils and eggs.


During your pregnancy, your body absorbs twice as much calcium from foods so your daily intake needs to remain the same. However generally, most of us get too little calcium to begin with. To stay on top of your calcium intake drinking more nonfat milk is a smart move. Each 8-ounce glass supplies about 30 percent of the recommended dietary allowance of 1,000 milligrams.


Pregnant women often suffer from ‘pregnancy’ fatigue. Bananas will be your best friend if you are feeling weary as they are extremely rich in potassium. Keep a banana on you at all times as they will give you an energy boost in no time.


Whilst pregnant your daily iron needs double and therefore it's important to include plenty of iron-rich foods such as lean meat, lentils, figs and heaps of leafy greens such as spinach. By staying on top of your recommended iron intake, will also prevent you from suffering anaemia.

Remember you have the responsibility for the wellbeing of two (or more) now so stay healthy and eat well.


Queen Bee Maternity



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