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How to Overcome the Biggest Challenge of New Motherhood

Posted on 1/12/2021 in Motherhood

Queen Bee Maternity

It’s no secret that becoming a mother turns your life upside down. When you bring a new life into this world, the life you once knew is no longer going to be the same. Making adjustments is inescapable. With the excitement and joy motherhood brings also come some challenges. The feelings you have are normal and to be expected.

If you need advice on how to deal with the difficulties and stress of this new challenge, fear not, we’ve got your back, just keep on reading.

Find Community Support

Queen Bee Maternity

The biggest challenge of new motherhood is coping with the stress of having to adjust to a new life. If you feel overwhelmed, just know you’re not alone. According to a study reported by the New York Post, new moms take around three and a half months on average to adapt to motherhood. Keep in mind that “average” doesn’t include everyone, meaning that there is a number of mothers who need more time. While the baby relies on you, at times, you will find you need someone to rely on, too. No matter how small your support circle seems, just keep in mind that there are millions of new moms out there.

Thanks to the internet, finding a support group has never been easier. For example, you can use the Mumli app for moms, where not only can you find valuable motherhood-related info and advice in one place but you can also connect with those who know exactly what you’re going through – other moms. That way, you can exchange advice or talk about your frustrations and fears with those who get you.

Make Time for Self-Care

Queen Bee Maternity

Even though your priorities will undoubtedly have to shift, by no means should you compromise taking care of yourself. This is essential because going through childbirth, paired with hormonal changes and sleep deprivation, can be detrimental to a new mother’s physical and mental health. Obviously, you may not have the time to do your makeup for 1-2 hours or spend a good amount of time at the gym anymore. Nevertheless, make use of the time when your partner is taking care of the baby, or the baby is sleeping. When you have the opportunity to step away from the baby – do it.

Dedicating some time each day to me-time, no matter how minimal, can help you stay positive when the going gets tough. Relieve the accumulated stress by doing some relaxing activities, such as meditation or reading. If you begin to feel guilty for not being by your child’s side every minute of the day – there are a few key things you need to remember. When you feel negative emotions, such as worry, sadness, or anger, those will reflect on your child. Thus, by doing the things that give you joy, you are also making sure that your child feels comfortable and safe. The other thing is that when you’re away from your child, you will miss them. This will make you appreciate the time spent with them even more, making your bond stronger.

Minimize the Fear of Making Mistakes

Queen Bee Maternity

Knowing you’re responsible for this sweet little human, it’s normal to feel scared. Do everything that’s in your power but don’t beat yourself up about making mistakes. Trying to be perfect is only bound to generate more stress and anxiety, which is not good for your baby. Understand that making mistakes is a part of your motherhood journey. Sometimes, what you consider a mistake might end up benefiting your child in the long run.

Manage your Time Effectively

Queen Bee Maternity

After having a baby, you’ll have less time for everything else. There’s no way around it. However, what you can do is make most of the time that you do have. Planning out these windows of opportunity will ensure you get things done as efficiently as possible. When you need to do something that takes time that you basically don’t seem to have, you can split the time. For example, if you only have 10 minutes, put on your favourite pair of postnatal leggings and do a part of your workout routine and then do another part when you have time.

Also, it’s crucial to make priorities. You probably won’t be able to keep up with your usual cleaning routine, and that is perfectly fine. Another important thing is not to try to do everything yourself. Instead, divide the chores between you and your partner. Involving your partner will not only drastically make parenting easier but can also strengthen your relationship.

Parenting can never be easy. However, making sure that you set your priorities straight and do things that help you keep a positive attitude is key to managing the stress that comes with motherhood. Despite all the difficulties, nothing will ever compare to seeing your child smile when you look at them.

Sophia Smith is a lifestyle blogger, graphic designer and DIY enthusiast. She is very passionate about eco-friendly and green topics, sustainable fashion, eco beauty, and conscious business. Sophia's other hobbies centre around her love for yoga, wellness rituals and living in balance with nature. She loves sharing meaningful content that inspires people and has covered topics ranging from organic products and sustainability to self-care and mental health. Sophia has contributed to a number of publications including Your Zen Mama, Eco Warrior Princess, Sivana Spirit, Urban Naturale, Carousel, Cause Artist, Awaken, Literally Darling, and Read Unwritten.
You can find out more about her writing by following her on Twitter (@sophia_bri). She is expecting her first child in February next year :)

Queen Bee Maternity


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