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Preparing a Nursery

Posted on 23/08/2010 in

A big part of planning for your new baby involves planning the room or space where they will sleep. Many of us are lucky enough to have a separate room that we can set up as a nursery, but even in a limited space there are a few basic planning ideas that will make you life a lot easier once your baby arrives.

It can be fun to choose colours and fabrics and follow a decorating theme, but some practical thought about placement is worth your while.
Make sure that everything is within easy reach for each task that you will perform in the nursery.

If you have a change table, make sure you have it close to a cupboard or bench top where you can store baby wipes, cream, powders, spare diapers, even spare baby clothes. Once your baby starts wriggling around, you need to be able to grab at things with one hand, while the other one holds them safely on the table!

If you are planning to have a breastfeeding chair or space in the nursery, make sure that it is comfortable and supportive and easy to get out of while holding a sleeping baby.
Even in the privacy of your nursery, wearing some of our specially designed
breastfeeding clothes will add to your comfort and convenience.


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