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Felicia: Exercise and My Pregnancy Team

Posted on 8/04/2014 in Motherhood, Pregnancy & Baby & Well-Being

It’s important to have a support network during your pregnancy – your friends and family are great, especially if they’ve already had kids of their own (as they’re then full of useful info!) and my trusty husband.

With a growing baby, you ultimately want the very best of people looking after you!

Saying that, meet some of my other support team:

- Mel - Personal Trainer
- Dr Stephen / Dr Wendy - Obstetrician
- Emma - Naturopath
- Dharma Shala - Yoga school
- Dr Colleen - Osteopath

The reading material you might have read says it’s a good idea to exercise during your pregnancy, especially because your body is changing in all sorts of ways! And as I get closer to the end of mine, I’m fully understanding this even more. Of course, don’t start anything too new!! Otherwise your body might decide to go into shock (hehe..). If you’ve already been doing some form of exercise, there is no harm continuing - though you should consult with your doctor first.

I’ve been doing a small amount of personal training for about a year and a half now – when I say small amount, I mean small amount! I only do one half hour session a week with Mel, my PT, and have carried that throughout my pregnancy up until now. Everyone is different, so choose what’s right for you.

Mel helps me with strengthening all the areas I would need to carry a baby in my tummy (lots of leg work) and for carrying the baby once it’s born. I work (gently) on arms, legs, pelvic floor, abs (yes we still have those even though we can’t see them!) and my back. I am also the type of person who wouldn’t do any sort of strengthening exercise on my own, which is why I need Mel! She keeps me motivated and in the long run of my growing baby, I’m so grateful I’ve kept it up.

Queen Bee Maternity Blog - Exercise and My Pregnancy Team

Mel tells me it’s also important to stretch every day, so I try to do that too – it’s easy to squeeze in 10mins a day while I’m watching TV or just before bed. Make it a ritual, like meditation.

I also find yoga helps me with stretching (and strengthening) my body. I try to do some pre-natal yoga classes whenever the timetable fits around my work schedule but having done yoga for years, I continued to attend beginner’s classes during my first and second trimester, making the few modifications with my growing belly. It’s a good idea to get to some prenatal yoga classes though as you are focusing on pregnancy specific poses (that help with labour), movements and our mind. I’ve been attending yoga classes at Dharma Shala (Bondi) and as I moved into my third trimester, I upped the prenatal classes and also started to attend extra ones at Yogamama (Clovelly). I always feel good afterwards and relaxed too! I’ve also been known to do a few at-home classes online through www.doyogawithme.com as they have some prenatal classes on there. I would only attempt doing these though once you’ve been to a few ‘real’ classes and feel confident doing yoga on your own!

Along with the type of job I do, my back can get into all sorts! Plus the added changes due to pregnancy – as you grow, your centre of gravity shifts, so it’s extra important to make sure you look after that back of yours! I see a pregnancy specialist osteo, Colleen, for maintenance. In my third trimester I have treated myself to a few pregnancy massages with Karen, a pregnancy massage therapist. It’s important for me to have a healthy back so that I can cope with carrying my growing baby, the demands of everyday life and for the afterbirth. Colleen is VERY gentle and I am amazed at what feels like nothing at all, can do so much and give me so much relief!  

Queen Bee Maternity Blog - Exercise and My Pregnancy Team

With all that maintenance of fitness and caring for my back, it was just as important to make sure I was eating the right foods and giving the very best nutrition for my growing baby – plus I take a general interest in my health and diet – superfoods and green juice - yes please! 

I also see a naturopath, Emma, who is another pregnancy specialist in her field. She is full of knowledge and has a child of her own, so very experienced in making sure your health is optimal during pregnancy having been through it herself. 

Emma quizzes me about my diet - what I’m eating or not eating! - to get an insight and understanding of how my body is functioning and always checks in with my stress levels. She lets me know what vitamins and/or minerals are important at the different stages of my pregnancy and makes sure certain things are working for me like my zinc levels, iron levels, how my digestion is, stretch marks etc and then suggests either types of foods I should be eating or increasing, supplements to take where my body isn’t absorbing the right amount and for me - how it’s important for me to eat slowly! (and mindfully…). Every individual is different, so what my body does and the supplements I take will differ to another. Emma has been a great support as she’s very accessible via email, which I love, so I can always just email her late at night and get an answer the next day -  on anything pregnancy-health related.

Queen Bee Maternity Blog - Exercise and My Pregnancy Team

Last but not least, there is my obstetrician, Dr Stephen (and Dr Wendy). The medical expert(s) when it comes to babies!  

From the beginning of my pregnancy I was having monthly appointments and as I get closer to the end of my pregnancy, my appointments become more frequent – it’s all pretty standard. At your first visit, the OB will get the low down of your medical history and tells you all you need to know, suggested books and what to expect as you go through your pregnancy.  

Then at each appointment, he checks in with how you’re going, your blood pressure, feels the baby (you will be surprised at how hard your stomach can be squished!), checks the baby’s heart beat – and maybe occasionally check the baby on his ultrasound. There will occasionally be routine tests you’ll need to do, like check if you have gestational diabetes.

It’s important to find an OB that suits you and your (and husband’s!) personality too - someone who is supportive of your needs. You might even like to discuss your birth plan to make sure you’re on the same page. At the moment, where there is more happening with the baby, it’s been even more interesting – like finding out how the baby’s sitting (where the head is at and what is the elbows, feet, back etc.). 

Queen Bee Maternity Blog - Exercise and My Pregnancy Team

Felicia. Make-up Artist.


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