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EMC: Every Mother Counts

Posted on 15/07/2013 in Integrity & Charities & Newsfeed
every mother counts

Every Mother Counts is a campaign to end preventable deaths caused by pregnancy and childbirth around the world. EMC informs, engages, and mobilizes new audiences to take action to improve the health and well-being of girls and women worldwide.  Queen Bee Maternity has chosen to become a community and awareness ambassador for Every Mother Counts, in order to help educate audiences about maternal health in Australia. Together, we can make pregnancy and childbirth safe for all moms.

Every Mother Counts was founded after the completion of the documentary film “No Woman, No Cry” which tells the powerful stories of pregnant at-risk women in four parts of the world: a remote Maasai tribe in Tanzania, a slum of Bangladesh, a post-abortion care ward in Guatemala, and a prenatal clinic in the United States. 

We encourage you to watch a snippet of the documentary below:

Every two minutes, a woman around the world dies from complications due to pregnancy or childbirth, creating a rippling effect that devastates children, families, and communities. But 90% of those deaths are preventable—with your help.  Queen Bee is proud to be an awareness ambassador and has chosen to be involved by selling EMC merchandise here with proceeds from each sale going towards EMC.  We will also be sharing information via our blog and social media channels each month so please join us!   Look out for a flyer about EMC packed with each parcel and included in our monthly newsletter.

Take action by visiting www.everymothercounts.org


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