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Coronavirus: Pregnancy & Breastfeeding FAQ News Summary

Posted on 11/03/2020 in Well-Being

It is natural to be worried for your health and for your baby, so we've collated some common questions and answers for your information.**

I'm Pregnant. Am I More Likely to be Infected?

Following the release of the guidance from the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, the Guardian reports that "Pregnant women do not appear to be more susceptible to severe Covid-19 symptoms and there is no evidence that the virus can pass to a baby during pregnancy". There was also no evidence that there is an increase of miscarriage or early pregnancy loss.

If I'm infected, will my Baby be too?

There is limited data available, but The Lancet reported that 9 pregnant women with confirmed COVID-19 pneumonia all had a caesarean section and that none of their babies tested positive for the virus.

Can I still go on my Babymoon holiday?

At this stage, Smart Traveller recommends to reconsider taking an overseas cruise and in most countries to exercise caution to minimise risk of exposure, with travel alerts on some countries. Their travel advice recommendations can be found here.

Should I change my Birth Plan to a Home Birth?

NSW Health assures that hospitals are safe and maintain high infection control standards. They state they are well trained in caring for people with infectious diseases, and in preventing their transmission to other patients.

Is it Safe to Breastfeed?

The same Lancet report also tested breastmilk samples from the same women and all tested negative to the virus.

As breast milk provides protection against many illnesses, the CDC recommends those with a flu to continue breastfeeding.

However, the virus is transmitted via close contact so take precautions to avoid spreading the virus - sneezing, coughing, or kissing your baby means that they can become infected.

Can Relatives and Friends Visit our Newborn?

During this time, you may feel more comfortable to practise 'social distancing' as this family celebration is generally held in an enclosed space, with lots of hugging and kissing.

How do I boost my Immune System?

A woman's immune system changes during pregnancy to prevent her body from rejecting the foetus. While this change protects the baby, it makes pregnant women more vulnerable to colds and viruses like the flu. Read here for tips on boosting your immune system and for natural remedies to soothe common pregnancy symptoms. 

WHO protective guidelines

Here are some informative links:



We wish everyone good health and safety.

**Note, this is not intended to be medical advice, just a sharing of available information, and that you should consult with your own medical practitioner.


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