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5 Baby Shower Party Ideas

Posted on 3/11/2010 in Well-Being

Throwing someone a baby shower can be both exciting and a little stressful at the same time. It can be lots of fun to plan and design your party theme and think of things to eat and games to play. But not all of us are natural party planners, and need a little help with ideas on how to create the perfect baby shower.


1) Theme

Themes don’t have to be limited to blue, pink or pastels. Why not get a little adventurous and go with a jungle theme, including cute little images of lions and monkeys. Tie up green streamers and get some children’s birthday party accessories for your catering. Or you could go with a similar idea using baby animals or circus theme instead

You could tailor it to mummy’s favourite flower and use complementary colours to decorate.  If it’s a rose then go ultra feminine and if it’s a frangipani then head towards a tropical theme. The Tiffany’s colours of aqua and white make for a striking and stylish colour scheme or perhaps a frilly high tea might be more her thing.

Spots and/or stripes always make for a visually exciting and still chic theme for a baby shower. You could got with red and white, pink and black or even pastels. Spots or stripes are easy to match with existing party decorations.


2) Decorations

Decorations are so easy to come by these days with a proliferation of party shops, two-dollar shops and online sites specialising in party decorations. This greater availability makes for cheaper shopping which is always great!

Tie in themes using complementary colours for the napkins, plates, streamers and table clothes, but be careful not to over load on colour. Choose two or maybe three colours only.

You can also use balloons, dummies, bunting and fairy lights to decorate your baby shower. Most mums want to feel super special at this exciting and often stressful time in their pregnancy.


3) Food

To make things a little easier for the host, why not choose a morning tea or afternoon tea for the time slot of your baby shower. This way you don’t have to provide hot food or meals and the absence of alcohol doesn’t seem so obvious.

Morning tea will suit a menu that includes sweet items like scones, petit fours, cupcakes and sweet pastries.

Afternoon tea can handle more savoury items along with the sweet, like ribbon sandwiches, savoury tarts and cheesy pastries.


4) Games

Some games to play during a baby shower are the good old ‘Don’t Say Baby’ game where you start with a safety pin on your shirt and when if you get caught saying the word ‘baby’, that person takes your pin. The person with the most pins wins.

The Tray Game involves putting a selection of baby related items on a tray and showing all the guests for a minute. Take the tray away and who ever can remember and write down the most, wins.

Measure Mummy’s Belly game is where guests must cut the length of string they think most accurately measures the party girl’s belly size.


5) Prizes

Don’t forget to have plenty of prizes for your baby games. Having thoughtful gifts is a way of showing your appreciation for the support of your friends and family and for the lovely baby shower gifts you receive.

Also don’t forget to have a gift and say a public thank you to the host and the people who helped organise the baby shower.


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