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2014 Fathers Day Competition - Win a Storksak Jamie Bag valued at $335.95

Posted on 26/08/2014 in Competitions & Promos & Newsfeed
fathers day competition

In conjunction with the lovely ladies at Storksak Australia, we are giving away this handsome Jamie Leather Diaper Bag valued at $335.95.  It's going to make one lucky dad or dad-to-be a very happy fellow this Fathers Day!  It was Winner of the Best Changing Bag at the UK 2012 Junior Design Award and also seen on celebrity dad Brad Pitt.

The bag is designed to fit most laptops and features:
- zipped thermo-insulated bottle pocket keeps bottles upright and warm/cool for up to four hours depending on external temperature 
- padded changing mat 
- three external pockets and five internal pockets 
- made from tough pebble cowhide leather which naturally repels water 
- adjustable, wide webbed shoulder strap 
- dimensions: H35cm W30cm D9cm

To enter, simply answer this question below PLUS you must be a member of our e-newsletter:

1.  Why does your man deserve this bag?  Tell us one special thing he has done for you during your pregnancy.

2. Sign up here to our e-newsletter  (if you're not already a subscriber)

Good luck, entries close midnight 4 September, 2014.

Terms and conditions
1. Competition closes midnight 4 September 2014 AEST.
2. Prize is not redeemable for cash, colour is black as pictured
3. Winner will be announced 6 September 2014 on our blog and notified by email


  • Nicole | Tuesday, 26 August 2014
    First time dad needs to look stylish....
  • Eleanor Ogston | Tuesday, 26 August 2014
    It's hard to narrow this down to one thing special as I can't imagine a more supportive husband! He is consistently amazing every day when he wakes up and makes me a cup of tea and slice of toast to ward off the morning sickness before I even stir.
  • Annette Benn | Tuesday, 26 August 2014
    My man has done everything for me during our third (surprise) pregnancy! I have had various pregnancy and non-pregnancy related health issues and struggles to deal with. By far the most important thing he has done has been to listen sensitively and not judge me in any way.
  • Hailey Grimes | Tuesday, 26 August 2014
    My man has been an absolute rock throughout our pregnancy. He particularly deserves the awesome bag as he has planned a surprise 'baby moon' for us (all on his own). He has booked every little detail, planned a range of 'pregnancy appropriate' activities for us to do and has even fully briefed our obstetrician on location, nearest major hospital and strategies for safe flying. We leave on Thursday and I still have absolutely no idea where we are going!
  • Madeleine Ryan | Tuesday, 26 August 2014
    My husband is a very loving and supportive Father-to-be. He is especially reassuring through my periods of body image concerns, which we all know are not pleasant. This support allows me to purchase stylish maternity clothes and essentials from Queen Bee, which in turn make me feel fabulous.
  • Fiona | Tuesday, 26 August 2014
    I had every possible complication with my pregnancy and my husband drove me to and from the many doctors appointments and back and forth to the hospital for my many stays. Through this he kept me so happy with his ripper sense of humour and I safely delivered two gorgeous identical twin boys! My husband is a wonderful involved dad and at 4 months in has changed in the realm of 1600 nappies so thoroughly deserves this great nappy bag! He's the best.
  • Deborah Gentry-Rose | Tuesday, 26 August 2014
    Whilst I worry over what colour to paint the nursery my husband is focused on reviewing schools in the area and what to do once bub is born. I daresay he is more ready for this than I am!
  • Sharon gleeson | Tuesday, 26 August 2014
    Just one is too hard. My hubby has been my rock even before i eventually became pregnant. All we've been through together. It would be a lovely surprise to give him as it's always about me & bub ;-))
  • Naomi Luttrell | Tuesday, 26 August 2014
    My husband is always doing things for me and the kids and when I was pregnant. He spoils us all with surprises. He works 7 days a week with hardly any time off to just relax and recoup. It would be lovely surprise for him to have a handsome bag to carry all his papers and things in when working.
  • Vera | Tuesday, 26 August 2014
    My husband is so excited to be a first-time Dad, he is dreaming about him! He researches all the baby registry items, child care options and has negotiated a four-day week at work so he can spend more time with our son. We are shopping for a baby bag for Dad so this would be perfect! I don't need to worry about the cooking because he already does it; could not ask for a better husband and father [to be].
  • Sarah Sharpe | Tuesday, 26 August 2014
    He is the best dad, he looks after our baby daughter a lot while I work and this would be a great stylish bag for him to use.
  • Kirby Austin | Tuesday, 26 August 2014
    My partner has been working so hard after recently starting his own business, since the news of our pregnancy he has gone into overdrive. Working extremely long hours and then coming home to help around the house, and prepare the baby's room. As well as helping my older daughter with things like homework when Mumma is too tired...he deserves a medal, and a very stylish nappy bag :)
  • Claire Mugridge | Tuesday, 26 August 2014
    My husband has just extended and renovated what was once our very small house. It's been a long 6 months but we're almost there with lots more living space and a nice new deck.
  • Bec walker | Tuesday, 26 August 2014
    My hubby deserves to have a super stylish nappy bag when he takes out our new baby boy and our little princess to let me sleep! But especially because he's been so good to me through this pregnancy; I suffer from terrible pregnancy acne over my face, neck and back, not only does he help pop the spots I can't see, but helps me choose from my queenbee wardrobe to compliment and still tells me I look beautiful!
  • Amy | Tuesday, 26 August 2014
    Cheesy tongue in cheek comment - my hubby and baby boy's Dad carries our hearts with him wherever he goes. He may as well have a stylish bag to do it with ;)
  • Sandy Santucci | Tuesday, 26 August 2014
    Hubby is wonderful. But to narrow it down to one specific thing he does especially for me throughout my pregnancy is that he always gives me two belly kisses everyday. One when he wakes up in the morning and the other one before he goes to sleep at night. I know it's simple, but it means the world to me...
  • Emily Hodgins | Tuesday, 26 August 2014
    My husband cooked me dinner every night while I was pregnant without needing thanks or praise. He was amazing!
  • Lara Lomsargis | Tuesday, 26 August 2014
    The most sweetest & special thing that my fiancée/daddy to be has done so far was a gift he gave me for our 5 year anniversary, after I'd just found out I was pregnant. A diamond encrusted heart shaped locket with a tree design covering the heart symbolising new life - the start of our little family. He explained that I can keep tiny photos of us & the baby when it comes and that the long chain was so that the necklace & photos could be close to my heart.
  • Kay | Tuesday, 26 August 2014
    My husband is very kind and loving despite his tough exterior. He got me through with his support through complications in the pregnancy especially when we found out our wee girl that we are having has heart problems and would need surgery straight after she is born. Although he was just as distraught he remained strong for me when I was falling apart. He has been there every step of the way, taking time off work being there for me even though he had a lot of pressure at work managing the department. We're now both looking forward to meeting our wee girl and my husband is super excited to be a daddy for the first time which he has been waiting for for a long time.
  • Hayley | Tuesday, 26 August 2014
    The first thing I asked this morning after opening my eyes was "honey can you please get me a bucket?" He ran naked dripping wet, after just getting out the shower, downstairs to the laundry to get me a clean bucket. He then sat there and rubbed my back while I was sick over and over. He has had unconditional compassion and given me unconditional support every day of my hyperemis gravidarum pregnancy. We've only been married a few months (we're having a honeymoon baby) and I've been sick since week 4. He's been an amazingly loving husband since day one.
  • Emma | Tuesday, 26 August 2014
    I realise that we are all bias and think that our husbands are the most wonderful (and they are). My husband has supported me through being made redundant just after we found out we were pregnant. We had always planned on a single income AFTER the birth but not before. Even though things are tight he encourages me to buy maternity clothing so that I feel good about myself and he says that will make our baby feel good too! And that's on top of the foot rubs, back rubs and anything else that keeps myself and the little one happy. I would love to give him this bag as a thank you. And thank you Queen Bee for offering this prize. Emma
  • Mem | Tuesday, 26 August 2014
    My husband cuts my toe nails for me when I too pregnant to reach... now THAT is love!
  • Bianca | Tuesday, 26 August 2014
    One of the many wonderful things hubby did when I was pregnant was on one particular evening I had an insatiable craving for Aldi Melting Moment biscuits... He jumped off the couch and said he'd be back in a sec... I thought he was taking out the rubbish or something so when he came back 15 minutes later with 3 packets in his hands I burst into tears!!! Gotta love pregnancy hormones!!! I thought it was the most thoughtful thing...
  • Charly | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    I had problems with a sore back, so he went shopping and bought me a pregnancy pillow and mattress topper. I had restless legs so he asked around the women he worked with to find some ways for me to deal with it. I can't drink so he did dry July. I can't eat many things so he apologises profusely and checks it's ok if he is going to eat anything I can't. He tries so hard!
  • Debbie | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    When I was delivering my first born, amidst my labour pains, my husband was beside me holding my hand and coaching me to push. To the extent he was pushing himself! And as soon as our little prince came out, guess who was teary-eyed? Yes, he's the perfect Daddy for me! And for this special deed and moment he shared with me, he deserves nothing less than this Jamie Leather Diaper Bag. So please QueenBee and Storksak Australia, make this a memorable first ever Father's Day for him. xx
  • Katie | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    I sleep a lot earlier this pregnancy and my hubby would always get me a glass of water by the bedside, fetch my body pillow and tuck me into bed and kiss me goodnight, every night. Its a small thing to make sure I’m comfy and makes me so happy! He is great!
  • Lena | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    Daddy instantly fell in love with his girl, and will do anything for her ever since. That includes wearing a hot pink birdy toddler backpack with pride whenever he takes her out. With a second baby on the way, it would be wonderful to give him storksak's stylish daddy bag for father’s day - then he could be the nappy King Bee!
  • Tina | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    Due to years of endometriosis pain & 2 operations Drs had told me having a baby may not be possible and when I met my partner I told him that (as a previous boyfriend left me when I was diagnosed with the disease) but my partner just said "that's ok we will adopt" and then this year I fell naturally pregnant! He was made reduntant last year and is still looking for work but still washes up everyday (we don't have a dishwasher), he makes my lunch every morning before I go to work, he cooks every night & does all the housework all week whilst studying full time and going to his small business course - he is the most caring, generous person who will be the best Dad in the world!
  • Amanda Wanrow | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    My boyfriend/ father to our child was a wonderful support system during pregnancy. He always told me I looked great even with my pregnancy acne, stretch marks all over and huge feet. The day I saw my First set of stretch marks starting ( his birthday while we were getting ready to go out to eat) I locked myself in the bathroom bawling. He calmed me down and told me I look great and he thinks so and no one else should matter just us!! He emotionally and physically supported pregnancy 100%. Now our daughter is 6 weeks old and he's been an awesome first time dad. Very supportive of nursing and making sure to help out in other areas since that takes so much time and patience at first. He wants me to stay home as long as possible so he's paying all the bills ( even stuff that's strictly my own bill credit cards and such I had before us) he's been great throughout this new process of pregnancy and parenthood.
  • Fiona Thomas | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    1st time Dad. It's taken 10 years to get pregnant after years of Drs, meds, appoints, & advice from everyone. My husband is the best support emotionally & physically through this bumpy ride
  • Aasha | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    We are expecting our first baby any day now. He has been such an amazing support system to me already and is so excited for the arrival of baby !! He deserves to be treated and spoilt - and to be a stylish dad :)
  • Leanne | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    For 3 years my hubby and I have been trying for a baby we tried everything from natural therapies to IVF and throughout this roller coaster ride he had been very supportive from day one. Finally we have our little miracle and I can't imagine my life without him. While I concentrate with bub he cooks, cleans and does anything and everything that I need. There is no doubt that he his a proud and very happy daddy.
  • Sierra | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    My fiance deserves this bag because: April 2013 we had a miscarriage. I absolutely hated life and I longed to hold the baby we lost. The one we'd never have. He stood by me and comforted while we both mourned. I became angry at everyone. I took thing out on him when nothing was his fault. He made me fall in love with him all over again. We then found out we were pregnant again in November 2013! We were both so overjoyed! I had a very difficult pregnancy. I was very moody. I was constantly worried that wed lose this baby too. He took me to every appointment. Cried with me at every ultrasound. When I went into labor he rushed me to the hospital, our bags already packed ready to bring our baby home. I had a terrible time in labor. I was so swollen and heavy I had to have help being rolled over, sitting up, going to the bathroom, everything. I did have an epidural. But the nurse shut it off 2 hours before I pushed Because she thought I wouldn't be able to push otherwise. Once I they finally let me push his head got stuck in my pelvis. I then had to lay there for an hour. Half that hour I was pushing. The other half hour they wouldn't let me push. My fiance never left my side. He wad a natural at coaching me thru. Telling me how good of a job I was doing, saying his head was right there and I was almost done, that I could do it, it was worth it Because he was almost here, he held my head and leg as I pushed, put his hand on my temple/forehead to comfort me, wiped my hair out of my way, he wad the only one I'd listen to. If he said breathe and calm down then I would. Once our soon was here he cried. He told me how handsome he was. Let me hold him first. And Because I still had blood clots I felt like I was still in labor so was in a lot of pain, I couldn't hold him for more than ten minutes without crying in pain. He took care of him by himself for the first 24 hours. He works 2 full time jobs to keep a roof over our head food and the table and make sure we have everything we need and could ever hope for. And no matter how exhausted he is at the end of the day he comes home In a good mood and gives our son a bath and feeds him and puts him to bed. He does everything in his power to make us happy. I couldn't ask for a better father for my son. P.s. I keep clicking the link so I can subscribe but it won't let me. Says the URL is timed out??? I've tried 10 times and hope I can still enter :s I'll keep trying. Or if there is a new URL I'd appreciate it if you could email it! Thank you!!
  • Tari | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    My husband never missed the doctor's appointment...i loved oranges and they were out of season but i don't know how he managed to find a sack of oranges on that particular evening. Then another cold winter evening i went to bed early. a few minutes later he came to the bedroom and woke me up so i could put my feet on the hot water bottle he made me, gave me and the belly a kiss and said good night. that was so cute of him.
  • Sierra | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    Nevermind I got it to subscribe! :)
  • Shaylee | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    My boyfriend deserves this bag because he has been absolutely amazing with this pregnancy. We are having our first baby (a little girl) and he is absolutely excited. He held my hair back and rubbed my back when all I could manage to do was be sick. He has been great.
  • laura | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    After trying for a very long time and being told time and time again my man would never be a father, he has been the most amazingly supportive person throughout all my worry in this pregnancy. He has read all the books and never missed an appointment (even while single handedly running his own business) he works long hrs and 7 days a week so I can stay at home and be a full time mum when baby arrives. I know everyone thinks they have an amazing man, but mine really is a saint! Oh and he tells me how beautiful I look everyday ??
  • Lucy | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    The one special thing my husband has done for me during this pregnancy is entertain our very busy, very active, 22 month old son! He is so full of energy and constantly wanting to climb and run and jump and do all the things I'd love to do, but just can't! So my husband keeps him entertained whenever he can - I'd love the chance to win him this super stylish bag because he deserves something great! Thanks
  • Cristina de Oliveira | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    Started a new job, now only 6km from home, so close to bubba and me, perfect timing! And while I was pregnant he served me my 3am weetbix in bed while I suffered morning sickness for 3 months.
  • Kirsty | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    For the first 6 months of my pregnancy I suffered from pre natal depression. For those 6 months I don't know what I would have done without my husband. Not only did he run our business, he looked after me, looked after our dogs, cooked, cleaned and attended all antenatal appointments with me. The love and support he has shown me goes beyond imagination. I'm due on the 28th and just hoping that all goes smoothly. After such a rocky start it would be wonderful to be able to spoil my guy.
  • nathalie | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    I was in the delivery room so tired of the pain that lasted for 15 hours that seemed like forever .. in those painful moments though he was scared inside tears in his eyes never left my hand reminding me of the special moments that well have and the amazing life ahead thats what made me go on and be stronger.
  • Justine Tillack | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    My husband truly deserves the Jamie Leather Diaper bag from Storksak for so many reasons. We are due to have our first baby in 8 weeks time (26th Oct), after 6 years of trying to conceive through both natural and IVF processes, my husband has attended every single appointment from the very beginning no matter how small, and has been the most supportive person in my life. Seeing each miscarriage and unsuccessful cycle effect him as deeply as me was heart breaking, so it's amazing to watch his joy as each week passes with this baby. This prize would be an amazing suprise for him.
  • Sarah | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    My hubbie has done the most amazing thing ever for me during this pregnancy - he's supported me no matter what, keeping me sane and grounded :-)
  • Esther | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    Cleaned the toilet, the floor and me every day while I was vomiting. Morning sickness is the worse!
  • Liss Hanson | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    My rough-and-tough police officer husband helped me to realise and achieve my dream of having a home water birth, after 2 hospital births. He helped to set up a birthing space early on in our pregnancy, which he added affirmations and artwork to regularly with me. He lovingly supported me through a 51 hour labour, and was an absolute pillar of strength for me as we birthed our daughter in our lounge room together. Undoubtedly the most amazing but toughest thing I've ever done, there is no way in this world that I could have done it without him. He is my SUPERSTAR!
  • sarah | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    My husband is amazing! While I was getting to the closer date of my pregnancy, he helped me alot with our two kids 3 & 5 getting them ready for kinder & school. He wanted to do all he can to help me to be nice and relax.
  • Michelle | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    My partner helps me in every way through my pregnancy with massages rubs my feet looks after me when I have swollen ankles and legs he will go out of his way if I'm craving something and I don't have it this Father's Day he will be sharing it with my daughter as it's her birthday too he is amazing
  • alexandria allbrook | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    Hard working dad. School. Brings me chocolate massages my feet back. Cooks for me. Helps with our 2 kids and cleaning house. He's mega dad.
  • Michelle | Wednesday, 27 August 2014
    My partner helps me in every way through my pregnancy with massages rubs my feet looks after me when I have swollen ankles and legs he will go out of his way if I'm craving something and I don't have it this Father's Day he will be sharing it with my daughter as it's her birthday too he is amazing
  • Alejandra Andrade | Thursday, 28 August 2014
    We are 9 days away from having our baby, during all this journey my man has been there, I had such a bad moments and having him at my side supporting me made such a difference, however I feel like there is so many items for the mommies and thats great we appreciate it but dads need to feel they are same as important that us, they might not be carring the baby but they work as hard as we do, this bag is so nice so the lucky dad to win it will feel so stylish just like we feel with all the products out there for us. Crossing fingers here :) Thank you for the opportunity to participate.
  • perla | Thursday, 28 August 2014
    My husband deserves this because even if we are young parents we have proven too many of our family members that we can do this alone with out any help.it wasn't easy at first but as time went by things have gotten better for us as a family (:?
  • Clara perez | Thursday, 28 August 2014
    My husband deserves this stylish bag because hes such a helpful parter hes . Analway.s trying to do the best for us . And even tho he comes tired for work he always helps me with our two children and one on the way he helps me to shower them give them dinner takes them out to play so i can rest . He even helps me wash their clothe diapers and to do laundry. He gives me foot massage . He really deserves this prize and so much more for been more for been such a great dad/ husband . And he has always help me with our babys after the pregnancy like feed them at night, he would cook clean the house . I just really hope i win this for him because he really deserves it for been such a great husband/ dad.
  • Sharli Ball | Thursday, 28 August 2014
    My boyfriend will be a daddy for the first time any day now. He has been very supportive throughout the whole pregnancy, even though this is all so new. A couple of weeks ago he came home from work with two packs of diapers and a single red rose...melted my heart. I'm of course rather emotional these days but to me, this was extra special. He is such the football loving, guys guy. A man's diaper bag for his son "Liam" would be such a neat gift. I'm sure he would think so too. :-)
  • linda maritz | Thursday, 28 August 2014
    My Husband got up with me every night thru all 4 pregnancies, warming a glass of milk for me while I tend to our children. His wisdom and calm nature brings such peace in our home. He always puts us first before he thinks of himself. Today 3 of our children are married.....they all know he is always there for them and they all love him dearly! I am truly blessed :)
  • Trisha | Thursday, 28 August 2014
    My husband was everything I could every hope for and more during my pregnancy despite being away for work for 5 months. He researched (ALOT ... as in he could probably tell you specs of some baby items), He listened (at any time of the day or night when I'd call him with a twinge or just because), he'd reply to every email I'd send with ideas for our (now son). He made spreadsheets so we could decide on names and products when we weren't together. He was especially amazing during the birth, he is amazing. My husband remains my best friends and partner in crime and is now the most awesome dad in the world, he lights up our lives. We are so lucky :)
  • Erin | Thursday, 28 August 2014
    Continued to love me even when I get a bit moody!
  • Chloe Watts | Thursday, 28 August 2014
    My partner has actually surprised me by how thoughtful and caring he has been. Like many women I thought that I'd just have to make do with feeling sick, tired (more like exhausted) and uncomfortable, pushing myself to get everything done. One of the best things of this pregnancy so far is watching my partner become more aware of me, the things I do around the house, and how I feel. I think he cooked every night for 6 weekes when I could stand going into the kitchen! We've been together for 13 years and this has been one of the most enlightening times of our lives, we're both watching each other change, and I'm happy to say, we are both becoming more caring and aware of each other. I hope this gives us a good start into our first foray into parenthood!
  • Mohy | Thursday, 28 August 2014
    My husband was all that I could wish for during my pregnancy. I had terrible morning sickness all throughout the 9 months and I had several episodes of vomiting daily. I vomited so hard that I even passed urine and poo usually due to the pressure. Every time he would clean up after me happily and calm me down with the most kindness possible. Although he was both studying and working at the time he also took over all house work including cleaning, cooking and looking after my brother who was staying with us at the time. He was kinder and more loving than anyone I could wish for, an absolute angle whom I could not bear the difficulties of my pregnancy without him.
  • Parn | Thursday, 28 August 2014
    Hubby arranged a trip back home for me (as we recently moved interstate) as he knew he was going to have a crazy busy week at work (which would mean leaving me home alone 7 months pregnant with a toddler to chase). We had people over the day before I left and I left the house in an absolute mess (very unlike me!!). When we returned home the house was spotless, dishes done and gastop cleaned despite having worked a 90 hour week. It may not mean that mug to others but for me, that was priceless!
  • Sian | Thursday, 28 August 2014
    He sleeps with his hand on my tummy every night, sometimes I wake to find him awake holding my tummy & baby moving like crazy having a midnight rendevous, special bonding time between daddy & baby :)
  • Toni | Thursday, 28 August 2014
    My husband deserves this amazing gift as a thank you for all the unbelievable support he has shown me throughout my pregnancy. My morning sickness was all day/night for the first few months and he has been cooking/cleaning/grocery shopping every day since (even though I am feeling better now). He also arranged for a cleaner to come in once a week to do all the strenuous stuff like showers, floors etc so we have more time with each other and to enjoy our 'bump' :) xx
  • Felicia Lui | Thursday, 28 August 2014
    Hubby was amazing during my pregnancy, he put up with any mood swings I might have had, came with me to all my appointments to the obstetricia and every ultrasound and every naturopath appointment, and calm birthing class, very supportive! Helped out with housework, cooking etc. And was my absolute rock during labour, I know I couldn't have done it without him! He is now an amazing father to our nearly 5mth old and gets right in there with sharing the caring of our little one, poop and all! I know he will appreciate a more manly nappy bag for the times he takes bub out on his own, so we would love to win this prize!! He absolutely deserves it :)
  • Aja | Thursday, 28 August 2014
    My amazing partner and I are expecting our first child this October. He has been the perfect partner and father-to-be since I got pregnant. Every night he gives me a back rub, and rubs oil into my ever expanding belly. He constantly gives me little treats and surprises, and he takes care of all the house work and chores, and makes sure our high maintenance dog always gets the attention and exercise he needs. We were just starting to renovate when we got pregnant, and he has learnt how to do everything himself, including building an amazing new deck in our yard. No mean feat for a man who didn't know what a self tapping screw was last year. He's my best friend and the best dad I could ever ask for for my child.
  • Jennifer | Thursday, 28 August 2014
    Life Changes! My husband and I were anti-kiddo when we were young and now we are expecting our first this year! This would be a great "graduation" gift into parenthood for him! :)
  • Suzanne | Thursday, 28 August 2014
    My hubby stood up for me when my well meaning (?) grantparents commented on my baby weight by saying, "your front is larger but geez, you've put on some in the back too!" He defended my honour and said it was rude and unnecessary given I was growing their great grandbaby and my health and wellbeing are spot on. I couldn't of felt more loved and cherished. An A+ daddy-to-be!
  • Chanda Chhun | Thursday, 28 August 2014
    It looks stylist and it's useful for my husband to keep many things for me during my pregnancy! He's a helpful husband!
  • Olivia Sinclair | Thursday, 28 August 2014
    All New Dads need there own stylish diaper bag, so they can still be masculine with all the necessary items. He took me away a couple of weeks before i was due for a relaxing weekend away. Was great to get some time alone and to rest.
  • Sarah | Thursday, 28 August 2014
    There's sooooooo MANY things that my husband does!!! As u know, pregnancy make u feel not comfortable with your self esteem ... My husband ALWAYS MAKES ME FEEL SEXY esp during pregnancy ... Which makes me feel good about my weight gain and being bloated at times!!! Not only that, he's a AWESOME step dad to my daughter and AWESOME father to our son... He ALWAYS thinks of his family 1st then himself.... I appreciate everything that he does for us :)))
  • Kyoko Tokumura Elias | Thursday, 28 August 2014
    After we deal with a miscarriage more than a year ago it was very frightening for me to become pregnant again. I didn't want to go through it again. my boyfriend was amazing with all the support he gave me we decided we will try again. It's been more than a year ago and my babe soon to be dad and I got the best news ever, we will be parents!!! And let me tell you he is still doing so many things for the baby cupcake and me. Like feeding my cats at 4:30 am!!!, he makes sure I have breakfast, the first trimester (I'm now 4 months 3 weeks), when I was dealing with morning sickness he will leaves crackers on my night stand and water (he always keeps me hydrated), he never misses a doctor appointment overall he is helping me to go through it and dealing with "some" of my mood swings. He can't wait to be a daddy and me I can't wait to be a mommy!
  • Jessica Giarratana | Friday, 29 August 2014
    We are expecting our first child this December and I have been put on bed rest so have had to stop working, doing housework and cooking to make sure our baby doesn't arrive too early. Therefore my wonderful husband has been cleaning the house, doing shopping, started his own business on the weekends as well as working Monday to Friday in the office to support us and much much more! He truly knows what is important and I love him so much for that ;)
  • Zoe | Saturday, 30 August 2014
    My man deserves this spunky bag as he's been amazing through this third pregnancy which has been the hardest on me! Looking after our two gorgeous boys, preparing the babies room & being SO supportive all while running his own business! In my eyes he'll look better than Brad Pitt sporting this bag while he's looking after our new bub on my early return to work days!!
  • Susan Peacey | Saturday, 30 August 2014
    My husband deserves this bag as he has been there for me since day dot. He gives me nightly foot massages and helps me feel better when I'm sick.
  • Kris Headley | Sunday, 31 August 2014
    I've just recently given birth and my husband took every breath with me, every push, EVERY breath! He held my hand and helped me through every moment, he was amazing support and he continues to support me through my recovery and this new adventure we've embarked on with the arrival of our little boy.
  • Kristy McCarthy | Sunday, 31 August 2014
    After 8 years of university and 9 years of training for my job (medical), starting a family has turned out to be difficult. Just as we find out I am pregnant, the perfect job to complete my training comes up - if I turned it down it may never come round again.... No hesitation from my partner - stay at home dad, he would love to be! So he would need a stylish baby bag while he does the family tasks....
  • Eleissa | Monday, 1 September 2014
    My man deserves this bag, as he would have to be one of the most devoted & hardworking partner's & father's I know. One special thing he does for me during this second pregnancy is massage my back if I need it without hesitating. He loves Brad Pitt's style but never spends much money on himself, I'm sure he would love the Storksak Jamie Bag! it would be the perfect Father's Day gift. Thank you for the opportunity Queen Bee :)
  • Di Jack | Monday, 1 September 2014
    My husband and I had a wonderful surprise with the premature arrival of our little man in July. Whilst I would like to say my hubby is the most awesome dad to our son, the truth is, he is totally awkward and way out of his comfort zone. He tries his absolute best at nappies but to no avail, he cannot run fast enough when we have a crying moment. The one thing he does which is AMAZING for me is everyday he comes home from work just so I can have a relaxing hot shower without worrying about our little man. That is a wonderful gift of time for me ! What a super Fathers Day Gift the Storksak Jamie Bag would make for my die hard hubby !!!
  • Jennifer Duggan | Tuesday, 2 September 2014
    In addition to regularly reassuring me I was doing a great , looked great and would be a great mother and giving me hugs when my emotions ran crazy and I cried for silly reasons - to then make me laugh at the whole situation, late in my pregnancy when I couldn't bend to reach my puffy feet, he would rub heel balm into my feet to keep them soft and massage my legs to help ease the swelling. Just the help and pampering I needed at the end of a long day.
  • Candice Webb | Tuesday, 2 September 2014
    My husband massages my legs every night to help with my restless leg syndrome.
  • Samantha | Tuesday, 2 September 2014
    I have pre-eclampsia amongst other complications. This is our first pregnancy. Hubby had booked a Baby-moon get away for us. But I'm not well enough to go. So he organised an 'in house Baby-moon!'. He has set up an in house 'day spa' (well, his version of one! He is the 'day spa therapist'. It's hilarious watching him try to perform a facial on me.) He is also the 'hotel chef', cooking beautiful meals for me, whilst also morphing into the 'hotel butler', catering to every whim and 'valet parking' my car (in our garage, haha). He is really trying to create a holiday mood for me, as he knows how much I wanted to get away before bubs arrived. I have to say - best Baby-moon and hubby ever. :)
  • Stina | Tuesday, 2 September 2014
    My husband, first time father-to-be, has been a busy bee nesting in our house. He has been painting the nursery and tidying up in readiness for our little Munchkins arrival. Considering my husband is an IT guru, and far from a handy man, he has impressed me with his devotion to both me an our upcoming baby. This prize would surely be a well deserved gift to my supportive and loving husband.
  • Camilla | Tuesday, 2 September 2014
    Every time I get out of bed for a mid-night muesli snack, he goes over to my side of the bed and warms it till I return, then back to his cold side! Would love to spoil him back!!!
  • Ellie Sutcliffe | Tuesday, 2 September 2014
    He's not a 'grand gesture' kind of guy, but he's pretty amazing at the little things. Massaging sore, swollen feet (he's terribly foot-phobic, so that was a BIG deal!), taking care of the housework, cooking delicious meals, holding my hand and giving me a cuddle whenever I was having a 'moment'. He's an all round good egg, and I wouldn't trade him for anything.
  • Gianinna garro | Tuesday, 2 September 2014
    My husband has given me 3 beautiful girls - I'm forever grateful. As my eldest daughter would say, "Love him to the gold at the end of the rainbow. " simply
  • Sarah Darvill | Tuesday, 2 September 2014
    After a particularly bad day at work in my first trimester I cam home to the bath filled with warm bubble bath, water and a snack next to it and my favourite program ready to go on the tablet. I relaxed while he cooked dinner then came and rubbed my body with moisturiser. He is the best.
  • Jess Courtney | Tuesday, 2 September 2014
    Third time Dad who has taken a few mornings off work so that I can rest up and will leave everything at the drop of a hat to go and buy me nutella or salt and vinegar chips whenever the craving hits!
  • Natalie Gadsden | Tuesday, 2 September 2014
    He married me!
  • Jayme | Tuesday, 2 September 2014
    By looking after our two other children so I can rest. Most importantly, with no family around, our little bundle of joy has arrived early and he has done a superior job of looking after everyone and juggling family/work and his sanity. I know he would love to go out with the children with a 'masculine' bag rather than our more 'lady like' tattered one.
  • Carla Lewington | Tuesday, 2 September 2014
    My husband turns my days from hell into one hell of a day. Cooks dinner, gives me time to study, drops me off at work so I don't have to waddle the 12 minute walk from the carpark. All in all he wants his 'own' nappybag, what better than a Storksak to match my Elizabeth.
  • stephanie | Tuesday, 2 September 2014
    Yesterday I awoke from a well needed nap (I work split shifts)to find my partner smiling at me holding my favourite "cream cheese, tomato, basil bagel". Then he said, I'm just running the bath now! (Could he get any better?) After a few pregnancy tears before my shift started again he said, "you know I actually find you really sexy as a pregnant lady!" (Umm, I think I'll keep this one!)
  • Kristen | Tuesday, 2 September 2014
    My husband was wonderfully supportive during my first pregnancy, even attending Breastfeeding Education classes with me. When our baby girl arrived, he has proudly sported the "pretty" nappy bag I've chosen! Now in this pregnancy he's organised massages and taken care of our toddler to give me lots of rest. A cool nappy bag would be highly appreciated!
  • Kim | Tuesday, 2 September 2014
    This is our first and my husband has already read all the books that I (in a hormonal burst) told him we had to read. He also gets the pregnancy updates each week and sends me lovely text messages everyday about our "little kidney bean" and "precious kumquat". So adorable!!! He is also going to be a Stay At Home Dad so definitely needs a stylish bag to keep everything in while he is looking after the kids!
  • Alison Wilson | Wednesday, 3 September 2014
    My hubby happily carried my purple floral nappy bag - but I know he secretly wishes he had something more "macho"!
  • Emma Bitmead | Wednesday, 3 September 2014
    My beautiful husband took me on a surprise trip to Lombok for a week of relaxation and daily pregnancy massages so we could spend some quality time together before the birth of our first baby boy!
  • Amy Galea | Wednesday, 3 September 2014
    Whilst I was in labour, Contractions coming every 3 minutes and hadn't left home yet, as I was 'trying' to get dressed, he put my underwear and pad on for me because I couldn't bear the pain of bending forward! What a darling!!!
  • Kristy | Thursday, 4 September 2014
    There isn't just one special thing my hubby has done for me however he flew up grandpa and they both did some house renovations and fixes to make our life more comfortable with baby. He has also taken over a lot of the stressful situations so I remain relaxed while preggas!
  • Linda | Thursday, 4 September 2014
    Our old pink nappy bag clashes with all hubbys clothes, and our baby is a boy!! Unlike most of the wonderful husbands here, my husbands suffers every symptom I get (I think its nerves) he even got pains before I went into labour...
  • Melissa Whitehead | Thursday, 4 September 2014
    I couldn't ask for a better Husband and father to our son..... And daughter on the way but the man has absolutely no style so this would be a perfect gift for him.....and a much need one!
  • karina l | Thursday, 4 September 2014
    He deserves to carry around a more manly nappy bag when taking the little one out and about. He was my slave for 9 months. Best ever.
  • Sandy Tannous | Thursday, 4 September 2014
    Having just had a baby boy on January 30 via c section and finding out I am pregnant again in June, my man has been absolutely amazing helping me with our son and making me feel relaxed and stress free throughout this pregnancy after suffering from Bell's palsy and high blood pressure in the last pregnancy. With our wedding in 3 weeks I am unable to get him Fathers day gift till after the wedding so this will be a welcome surprise for him and well deserved!
  • Jennifer Jones | Thursday, 4 September 2014
    My husband deployed when I was 5 months pregnant and didn't return until our daughter was almost 5 months old. He felt that he had missed out on so much that he always tries to make up for that lost time and since he's in the military his time home is always so short. I know he'll greatly appreciate a gift like this and feel very helpful in the life of our 9 month old daughter. Please pick us for this amazing giveaway!
  • Alaona Gonzalez | Thursday, 4 September 2014
    My amazing man deserves this bag because if we don't win, his amazing self will be stuck carrying a stylish pink baby bag of my choice ;-) not to mention he is an awesome father to our 17mo old son and taking our 2nd unplanned pregnancy with stride!
  • DK | Thursday, 4 September 2014
    I think that a man who bought a baby carrier ever since we found out we were pregnant deserves this amazing bag. This is our first baby and the most amazing thing he's done (i canhardly choose!) is started planning my baby shower and our little girl's baptism eventhough i'm only 16 weeks, eventhough he's an atheist!! (I'm catholic and he know how important it is to me) Oh my God. He's the best man on earth and oh how he deserves having the best and most stylish stuff to continue enjoying our princess.
  • Shanthini | Saturday, 6 September 2014
    My husband has tirelessly been my brain and spine and shoulder throughout this pregnancy. Can't think of a better way to treat him with something that would help him sort his outings out stylishly

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