What's in a name?
Posted on 18/08/2010 in

As your body changes shape and you have fun dressing in maternity clothes and choosing your future breastfeeding clothes, it is natural that you will spend time thinking about the names that will shape your baby’s life.
It can be exciting, confusing and even frustrating trying to find exactly the right name for your child, because there are so many things to consider.
Will you choose to carry on a family name? To honour an ancestor is quite a lovely thing to do when naming your baby, but will it give your baby enough of an individual identity?
Do your chosen names sound like they belong together when said out loud? Be aware of all possible shortenings and nicknames and how they sound with your surname too, if you can save your child from future teasing about an unfortunate nickname, it bears taking the time to think about.
It pays to be prepared with both male and female names in mind before the birth of your baby, even if you feel certain that you know the gender, many mistakes about the sex of a baby have been made in the past!
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