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Red Tent Mums: Bumps Births Babies - Holistic Health Conference

Posted on 12/03/2015 in Newsfeed & Well-Being

Guest blog by Rebecca Mar Young

Red Tent Mums Present: Bumps Births Babies ~ Holistic Health Conference

This is the FEEL-GOOD Pregnancy and Birthing conference of the year.

To feel good during pregnancy is a great thing indeed. Many of us strive for that by paying attention to our clothing, our hair, our shoes and our health, because looking good helps us feel good. 

But what if I told you that you could FEEL GOOD during birth too? Would that raise a few eyebrows? And what if I told you I’ve given birth twice myself and can attest to that fact? You’d say, well who are you? That’s nice… that’s one story.

Hear me out. Since I’m passionate about birth and I work with pregnant women every day, I decided to bring together a bunch of inspiring experts from all different walks of life to pass on some insights to you. These are the women who helped me achieve the births of my dreams with their astonishing collection of knowledge. Their wisdom can allow YOU to have the awesome, pleasurablefun and real experience of pregnancy, birth and parenting that you desire. They were my mentors, and they can be yours too.

These experts come together in an online conference, from March 23 to 28 – and it is FREE. Yep, no joke. There are 21 interviews and 15 experts from around the world who will show you what’s really possible for you in this special time of life.

Why shouldn’t the biggest transition of your life be exciting, enlightening and dare I say it, pleasurable? Sure, it might not be rainbows and flowers all the way through, but what in life is? When something is ultimately pleasurable, there is often a difficult period to push past first – and giving birth is the perfect example.

Red Tent Mums: Bumps Births Babies - Holistic Health Conference

As Rhea Dempsey (of BirthingWisdom.com.au) says, you have to think of birth like a marathon. You expect that in sections of the race it’s going to be hard. You expect to be in a certain amount of muscle pain when you run, but you know you’ll get into the zone and you’ll be able to get through it. 

Birth is similar in many ways. At times it will be physically demanding. You will have your emotional ups and downs. You will get to points where you think you can’t do it, but with the right support and training and tools to help you, you can. And when you do, it’s the best feeling in the world.

Pain is thought about so differently in sport as opposed to birth. It is celebrated.  It’s seen as a huge triumph to have made it through. Why then do we not as a culture think about birth in the same way? “We should”, says Rhea, and she has so much more valuable knowledge to share on this topic in the conference. 

We interview Debra Pascali-Bonaro of Orgasmic Birth. She was so taken with women’s birth stories that she woke up one morning after having a dream and knew she needed to make a film. She called it Orgasmic Birth. It looks at the idea of allowing birth to unfold naturally, with as little interference as possible, applying many different techniques, so that birth can be one of the most pleasurable and ecstatic experiences of your life. Cool huh?

We also talk to Pinky McKay (author & lactation consultant) about how important it is to heed your intuition as a mum and to have faith in your own mothering instincts. You know better than anyone what’s best for you and your baby – you really do – and Pinky will help you cut through all the noise and confusion.

We pick Dr Sarah Buckley’s brain about how your body has been designed to work during pregnancy and birth. Sarah is a family physician who describes the science of what is happening to you, and she shows how nature’s design for us is more perfect than we ever realised. It’s just fascinating.

There is so much more to hear. We’d love to help you have the experience you dream of. We want your pregnancy and birth to feel good. 

It’s being hosted by the Red Tent Mums: myself (Rebecca Mar Young) and Naomi Abeshouse. We run the Red Tent Mums Health Centre in Sydney’s Bondi Beach. It’s a natural health clinic that focuses on treatment for pregnant women and mums. We are passionate about improving childbirth for women, one birth at a time. It’s such an important rite of passage that leaves its mark forever. 

>> For more information and to register for this FREE online conference visit red tent mums.

Rebecca Mar Young


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