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Mama Feels Good

Posted on 4/06/2012 in Style
QueenBee is happy to announce the arrival of Mama Feels Good - a young independent maternity brand that is all about making breastfeeding clothes that ‘don’t suck’!

Liz & Matt Jeans, the Owner/Directors of Mama Feels Good have been making their own brand of nursing clothing since 2008 and totally love what they do;
“as a young independent brand we really have the opportunity to bring something new to the maternity clothing market and basically swim against the tide of all the boring clothes that are out there for breast feeding mums”.

They are a friendly bunch that hail from Bristol England and totally get what it's like to have had babies and everything that goes with it. Mama Feels Good clothes are about providing more choice for women in what they can wear that is suitable for breastfeeding, and importantly their style comes with a keen sense of humour: 

“We are all about… keeping you covered…and importantly not looking like a reject from the 1980's !! We all love our mothers but we don't want to dress like they did when they had us!”



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