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Keeping the Romance Alive During Pregnancy and Beyond!

Posted on 31/01/2011 in Well-Being

Romance is important in every relationship, but there are times in our lives when we feel more connected, and others when that connection can fade a little. Pregnancy can be one of those times. In between nappy bags and baby names and cot construction, the opportunities for steamy bonding can be few and far between. The thing is, during pregnancy is a time you can greatly benefit from the positivity and relaxation that intimacy, sex and romance provide, so even if you're not working up a sweat in the bedroom every night, there are still ways to inject romance into your lives. Here are a few tips to get you started!

Date Night

Such a simple concept, but one we increasingly neglect in our busy lives. Setting aside one night per week for the two of you to enjoy a movie, dinner out, or even just turn off the TV and your phones and snuggle down on the couch. The idea is that the two of you spend time making each other (and yourselves) feel special!

Sexy Secrets

If the romance or sauce factor has been running a little flat during the pregnancy, spice it up with a raunchy game of Chinese whispers. Play a game of cards, and the winner of each round has to divulge a sexy secret to the other person by whispering it in their ear. I guarantee the game of cards won't finish--but you both will!

Couple's Massage

Why not spoil yourselves by indulging in a couple's massage at a day spa? All that rubbing and touching--plus the incredible feeling of relaxation you'll both have at the end--will put you squarely back in each other's romantic gaze. 

Put in the Effort

Often I find that if I feel lethargic I don't put much effort into what I'm wearing and, consequently, when I catch sight of myself in a mirror it has the double effect of making me feel even worse. I'm definitely not advocating slaving over your appearance or expecting your partner to do the same, but one of the quickest ways to be sexy is to feel sexy---this could be something as simple as having an indulgent bubble-bath instead of a shower, putting on the moisturiser your partner loves the smell of or wearing a piece of jewelry that is sentimental to the both of you.

Sexy Maternity Underwear--Yes, It Exists!

Nothing puts you in the mood like feeling extra-saucy in great lacy underwear. Maternity underwear doesn't immediately conjure up the image of a sexy minx, but have heart--Hotmilk Lingerie is the answer to your prayers! With a range to suit all body types (and desires) you'll be in the mood for romance in no time!


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