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Babymoon - a holiday or precious time with your baby?

Posted on 23/07/2012 in Pregnancy & Baby & Well-Being
The term “babymoon” has become a trendy term over the past few years as a pre-baby holiday with many celebrities being captured by the media enjoying a holiday with their partner or family displaying their growing baby bump around the pool or on leisurely strolls along the beach.

The original meaning of “babymoon” is a period of time that parents spend bonding with a recently-born baby.

When my first child was born my husband and I had our family over the day we arrived home from hospital and then asked them politely when they left not to phone or come around for the next 3 days to give us time together as a family (not knowing at the time this was known as a babymoon).

So what do you think of when you hear the term “Babymoon”?  A holiday or precious time with your baby? 

Vanessa Lachey tweeted this gorgeous picture taken by her husband Nick while on their “babymoon” at Jade Mountain in St. Lucia in May



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