A new baby is big change in any woman’s life. Along with the all of the joys of her new baby, she is also recovering from the birth experiencing sleepless nights dealing with the emotional strain of a newborn. In these first days, weeks and months a new mother welcomes any thing to pamper her or make her feel good. Anything from nursing wear to a massage voucher is sure to light a new mummy’s face.
If you’re not sure how to help and pamper your friend, wife or sister, then take a look at these sixn tips to give a little TLC to your loved one.
1) Bake a Cake!
A new mother is probably still trying to master breastfeeding, let alone worrying about how to feed everyone else, so why not do some baking or cooking and bring something yummy to eat. It doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive, it just has to come from the heart. Try bringing a batch of savoury mince or bolognaise that she can freeze for one those bad days.
Or you could whip up a batch of choc chip cookies that she can munch on when her energy levels are low. If you have a recipe or favourite meal that your love to make and eat, then chances are the new mum will too.
2) Online Research
Do a little Internet research for the new mum in your life. Get online and look for great parks, mother’s groups and shopping centres with play centres. Find a helpful newsletter or parenting website that she can sign up to or visit for tips on newborns. You could even find some nice online magazines and websites about things she is interested in to help her keep in touch with her own needs without spending a cent or even leaving the house!
3) Enjoy the Outdoors
Offer to take her baby to a near by park one day. Even better, meet her at one nearby with a couple of take away coffees and something sweet to eat. A new mum always loves a bit of fresh air and sunshine. A nearby park means she can pack light and even walk there. Being stuck inside all day can get boring and send a new mother stir crazy.
4) Baby Sit
When the baby is a little older, you can offer to baby sit. Baby-sitting is the best gift you can give any new mother. Whether its so she can go and get her hair cut or do some quiet window shopping or even go out with hubby to a movie, a new mum will always appreciate the chance to go it alone for a while.
5) Massage
Becoming a mother is a huge physical change as well. Your body is being deprived of sleep and is recovering from birth. There’s nothing tired feet and sore back wants more than a good massage. The human touch is well known for it’s healing and comforting qualities. A voucher for a massage at your favourite therapist will be a welcome gift.
6) Nursing Clothes
A new mum is always looking for ways she can look great as well as feed her baby. With so many fantastic new labels for nursing mothers on the market, you will be sure to find her something nice. Whether it’s a nursing top, dress or bra, she will love to add something new to her wardrobe.