Adding a new member to your family is an exciting time full of new adventures, joy and hope. You’ll be able to enjoy those wonderful feelings as a family for a while, however, there will come a time when you’ll want to share that joy with your loved ones and the people that have always been there for you.
Breaking the news of a baby is always a special moment, so why not make it even more memorable? Here are 20 creative ways to announce your pregnancy to the world.
1. Baby Shoes
Is there anything cuter than baby shoes? Baby shoes are an excellent prop to use in photoshoots to let the world know you’re expecting. A cool idea is to place them in between you and your partner’s feet when taking the pic. Guaranteed to spark an ‘Aww!’ reaction!
2. Movie Poster
There are tonnes of funny pregnancy movies and movie posters you could reenact as a creative way to announce you’re expecting. Or make your own, showcasing your current feelings about the whole situation.
3. Time Lapse Photoshoot or Video
A series of photos taken months apart but in the same situation, with the same clothing and props can make the perfect pregnancy announcement! While this option will look amazing in the end, it’ll certainly require more effort.
4. Coffee Cup
Ask your barista for some help with this idea. When you’re breaking the news to your partner or other family member, offer to buy them a coffee, and instead of giving their name, choose “dad”, “grandpa”, or “aunty” accordingly.
5. Food Plate
Foodies? Grab a black, permanent marker, and write the news on the plate. Then, fill it with delicious food and wait for the person to finish their dish in order to find out.
6. Leave it to your Child
If this baby is not your first one, let your existing child do the honours. Let him or her hold a sign saying “promoted to big sister” or wear a shirt with “big brother” and their name. It’s also a great way to help them get excited about expanding the family.
7. Use Balloons
Grab a marker and write the baby announcement on balloons, and start blowing for the photo! It’ll make it crystal clear that there’s a bun in the oven.
8. T-shirts
Matching t-shirts have never served a better purpose than a baby announcement. Choose a fitting message to feature, such as “Mum/dad to be” and make a mini one for your little one as well. People will get the hint!
9. Mugs
Spill the beans of your baby news over a cuppa with this fantastic idea. You can either write the message at the bottom of the mug or buy ones that say “Grandma” or “Grandpa” and give them as gifts.
10. Beach Hat
Why not turn your next beach day into a baby announcement? Use a “Parent to be” beach hat and take a couple of photos. It’ll be a beautiful message with an equally stunning background.

11. Custom Labels
Use a custom label announcing that a baby is brewing on the beer you serve at dinner. You can also get custom labels for wine featuring the year of birth and a creative name.
12. Write on your Ice Cream
Write a new label on your ice cream cup announcing that you’re ‘eating for two’. Bonus - you get ice cream!
13. Grocery Trolley
Show your loved ones you’re already taking this parenthood business seriously with a photo of your grocery shopping trolley full of nappies, baby wipes, baby food and questionable pregnancy craving choices (pickles and ice cream, anyone?).
14. Cake
Break the sweet news with a sugary treat! You can either hide a message inside the cake, make its frosting pink or blue, or get a cake prop that conveys the announcement. Tea time has never been this exciting!
15. Card
Go old school with a card congratulating your family members on their new family title. You can send it through the mail, and forget about it. That is, until you get an overly excited phone call from the “Nanna”-to-be.
16. Custom Onesie
Oh, yes. Nothing says baby announcement like a custom-made onesie with a sweet pregnancy message. Just so we’re clear, a custom newborn onesie rates quite high on the cute scale.
17. Baby Toys
Maneuvering your way through baby toys in what used to be your tidy, very adult-like living room? You may as well take advantage of the situation, right? Take a photo next to some baby blocks and a couple of baby books to show people you’re pregnant.
18. Book
“Be 100% ready for when you’re baby comes and the next 18 years of parenthood with these 10 easy steps” is the title of no book ever written. Don’t lose all hope though. There are other (realistic and truly useful) books you can read on the subject to prepare yourself. And if you can get someone to snap a photo while you’re reading away as part of a fantastic announcement, even better!
19. Traffic Signs
“Slow down, curves ahead” or “bumps on the road” are common traffic signs that will take on a whole new meaning when you relate them to the tiny human living in your belly. Use one of them as a prop the next time you’re out and about.
20. Ultrasound Photo
Probably one the most common ways of announcing a pregnancy is sharing an ultrasound photo. While not as original, it holds a special meaning as it’s literally the first photo you’ll ever have of your new mini-me. Not to mention, sharing it with your loved ones is truly a wonderful experience.
Time to spread the joy!
Bringing your loved ones into your inner circle when you’re announcing a pregnancy is a memorable experience where they’ll be able to get a share in all the excitement. Use one of Queen Bee’s clever ideas to break the news in a way that’s even more unforgettable.