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Felicia: Week 21 - Feeling baby movements and Getting that extra iron!

Posted on 17/12/2013 in Pregnancy & Baby
So the books say you might start feeling the baby move around 18 weeks and if it’s your first baby, perhaps a bit later, maybe 20-22 weeks. They also described it as ‘butterflies’ – so I’m imagining that feeling of when I have felt butterflies in my stomach, you know when you’re feeling anxious or nervous? Wasn’t feeling that…yet. 

I then happened to be on a photoshoot where the lady on autocue was also pregnant with her second baby. She mentioned that she felt her first baby move at 22 weeks and her second at 14 weeks. Her description was much more accurate than the books though! She said it was like little pops of gas bubbles – OMG! I say, I thought that feeling was just me digesting food or something!! How exciting! 21 weeks and feeling the baby move, but I had already felt those little pop of bubbles in the last week or so, so I was feeling the baby move without even knowing it! Now I feel this little one move all the time - Feels nothing butterflies… ?

A routine follow up visit to my naturopath informs me that I need to increase my iron intake during my second trimester. Is the first thing you think of spinach (think Popeye!?) and red meat? Yep, add those to the list, however, I discovered another exciting treat - raw cacao! It’s like chocolate, but better for you!

So I’m lapping up the raw cacao on an almost daily basis.  Here are some of my favourites:

Banana Chocolate smoothie

A spoonful of raw cacao
Organic Soy Milk (or milk of your choice, I sometimes might have almond milk or oat milk)
A teaspoon of chia seeds
Maca powder (optional)
Honey (optional)

Pop into a blender (I have a magic bullet, so I can drink it straight from the cup!)
* tip – you can freeze over ripe bananas (peeled) and use these instead to add extra coldness to your smoothie

Pregnant friendly chocolate mousse

Avocado (good fats for the baby)
Frozen banana (can be optional)
A ton of raw cacao
A good amount of Honey/sweetner of your choice e.g. stevia, agave etc.

I mix all ingredients into my magic bullet and do a finger-dip test for taste – if it still tastes like avocado, add more cacao in (and probably a little more honey).  My husband doesn’t like avocado’s, but did not know that it had avocado in it because he couldn’t taste it!! ?

Chocolate yoghurt

Mix raw cacao with natural or vanilla yoghurt and a little honey (if you prefer it sweeter)

Pana chocolate bar (brand found at health food shops)

It’s REALLY YUMMY!  It can be super expensive chocolate choice, but to be honest, one square is all you need to satisfy a craving.  Made from 50-60% raw cacao.  There are a few different variety in flavours – my faves are mint, orange or goji & coconut

Hot chocolate – made with raw cacao

 Mug of milk of your choice
A scoop full of raw cacao
Honey (optional)

Heat in the microwave for a minute or two (depending on your microwave) or if you like to be a more traditional, you can heat it over the stove.

Felicia. Make-up Artist. 21 weeks pregnant.


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