8 Things That Surprised Me About Being Pregnant with Twins by Sophie Guidolin
1. I’m carrying differently this time
I’m coming up to my 26th week of pregnancy next week, and my bump is still relatively small and compact. When I first found out I was pregnant with twins I started searching online to find out about the journeys of other mothers of twins. I began to worry about how my body and small frame would cope with two babies. Did I mention I have BIG babies – my boys were 10 pounds 2 ounces and 9 pounds 8 ounces. So far, so good! Every pregnancy is different and every women carries differently.
2. People can have a very strong reaction to twins!
We have been overwhelmed with love and support from friends and family but I have to say I was not expecting some of the negativity I’ve encountered from strangers who can have a very strong reaction to the news. Everything from ‘I’m glad it is you and not me to ‘double the trouble’. I have learnt not to let it get to me – we are so thrilled and feel it is such a blessing to be having twins.
3. Twins feel different in utero
The movements are not as intense as with a single pregnancy. I have two placentas which do stop a lot of the movement coming from my stomach, however with one baby I found I could distinguish the movements very clearly and was fairly sure whether I could feel their foot or bottoms. This time I am in limbo - "I think that's a head… or perhaps a bottom or maybe it's a foot!"
4. I’m always at the doctors!
I feel like I have spent more time with our obstetrician than with our family at the moment. With twins comes extra monitoring as they are classified as a 'high risk' pregnancy.

5. I’ve never been so tired
Even as I type this I can feel a whole new level of tired coming over me like a wave! Although, when I do finally hit the pillow - it's back to counting sheep to find a position to help me nod off!
6. I’m just as nervous as the first two times
Even though I’ve had two babies before, it feels like twins are a whole new ball game. From ensuring the pregnancy goes smoothly to the check ups and the delivery, there are so many unanswered questions. Will twin B turn and come down? How will I manage to feed (and somehow sleep) in between the feeds? How long will it take to settle into a manageable routine as a family of six?
We are working hard to get as prepared as possible - for my office at work we have got some amazing Mocka cots installed so the babies can come into my office with us! Everything is new with twins and of course, everyone has a different experience to tell.
7. The huge misconceptions about exercising when pregnant
There are so many myths about perceived risks involving exercising during pregnancy – it drives me mad! As long as you have your doctor’s approval there is no reason you can’t continue your previous exercise program (although some slight modifications may be necessary). I have loved staying active throughout this pregnancy and even kept up my weight training into my second trimester.
It is recommended women should perform exercise at a moderate intensity for at least two hours and thirty each week during pregnancy and the post-partum period to gain substantial health benefits. It isn’t the time to ease off – research shows it is worth the extra effort and it is the best way to fight pregnancy fatigue.
8. Different cravings
When I was pregnant with the boys all I wanted was chocolate milk and all things sweet. It’s easy to see how I put on 28 kilograms in retrospect. This time around my body is telling me it wants citrus fruits and salad. It’s nice to be able to eat what I’m craving, knowing it is nourishing the babies and I. The odd slice of raw cake doesn’t go astray either!
About Sophie Guidolin
Sophie Guidolin is a 26 year old Australian personal trainer, nutritionist, author and mother becoming a powerful new voice on the health and fitness scene. Sophie has built a community of more than 500,000 social media followers since she started candidly sharing her remarkable health and fitness transformation after putting on 28 kilograms during her pregnancies.
Known for her holistic approach to health and wellness in an industry often associated with quick fixes and calorie obsession, Sophie advocates a clean eating and paleo-inspired approach with her recipes full of wholefoods and containing no sugar, preservatives, additives or harmful chemicals. She takes a strong stance against restrictive and ‘fad’ diets.
Sophie’s online ‘Eat Clean, Live Lean’ Total Body Transformation Nutrition Program has helped tens of thousands of participants around the world, particularly mothers wishing to reclaim their health and fitness.
Sophie released her first book Eat Clean, Live Lean in 2013 which attracted rave reviews from celebrities including Dannii Minogue. Sophie followed this up in 2014 with the release of her second book My Kids Eat, which contains a collection of her favourite family recipes based on the same clean eating principles.
Sophie is expecting twin girls in late 2015.
We wish you all the best with your pregnancy Sophie!! Is anyone else expecting twins and how are you feeling??